P Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 10:57:59PM +0200, Gustaf Erikson wrote:
> >Has anyone tinkered with the pure-ftpd package
> >(http://pureftpd.sourceforge.net/)? I've installed it using apt-get,
> >but when I try to connect to localhost I get "connection refused". I
> >never even get a prompt.
> >
> If you have a moment, why not try lukeftp?  It really is clever in that
> it logs on automatically, drills down through directories and has a nice
> command-line.

I use lukemftp all the time, but the issue is still the same -- the
server refuses to talk to me.


Gustaf Erikson -+- +46 70 444 0726 -+- [http://stureby.net/]

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