Thus spake john:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to get my Voodoo3 card to do DRI with X4.1.0.
> The catch is that the card (a Voodoo3 2000 PCI) needs to be set as bus
> master. When I try to use setpci
> I find that the bit for bus master is never set.
> The motherboard is a LX/EX based board, with onboard sound, ATI 3D
> graphics etc.
> The BIOS is AMI, and is one of those funky graphical interfaces. There
> are no options to enable a PCI slot to bus master there.
> There are no jumpers on the MB that I can see to set Bus Master on any
> PCI slots.
> I have a PCI SMC Ethernet card, and it is set as Bus Master... I never
> set it so I assume the Bios did it itself.
> The onboard ATI is set as bus master, and uses AGP. Could this be why
> the Voodoo won't take the Bus Master bit?
> Or does anyone know any resources on the web to do low level bit
> twiddling in AMI bios's?
> Or have any other ideas?

I'm not familiar with their BIOS particulalrly, but BIOS's often have a
place where you can set it to look first at PCI, then fall back to AGP -
if it has that, that may solve it for you.
Good luck,

Mosher's Law of Software Engineering:
        Don't worry if it doesn't work right.  If everything did, you'd
        be out of a job.

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