Hi all.
I've installed a package in my Potato but it crashed during
installation and I'd like to uninstall it. I've tried
dpkg --purge <package>, with and without --force-??? option, but
I've not found the way to remove it. Allways I've got:

siul04:~# dpkg --purge lgtoclnt
(Leyendo la base de datos ... [reading database ...]
44862 ficheros y directorios instalados actualmente.) [4862 files and 
directories installed]
Desinstalando lgtoclnt ... [Deinstalling lgtoclnt ...]
rmdir: número de argumentos insuficiente [rmdir: insuficient number of 
arguments ]
Pruebe `rmdir --help' para más información. [Try ?? for more information]
dpkg: error al procesar lgtoclnt (--purge): [dpkg: error processing ...]
 el subproceso post-removal script devolvió el código de salida de error 1
[subprocess post-removal script returns error code 1]
Se encontraron errores al procesar: [errors where found procesing:]

I have to say that this package was originally a rpm, and
I've converted it to deb. Someone knows how to remove that

Thanks in advance,
José Manuel Pérez - Hispavista::Sistemas
P. Mikeletegi, 56 - 20009 Donostia - +34 943 448400
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.hispavista.com

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