
I am trying to recompile the kernel so I can use the ltmodem drivers. This is
a first for me, so I still have to figure out a loot of things. Please, bear
with me.

The docs said that the kernel-headers and/or sources are needed. So I check
the kernel version with unuma -r, which told me that I am running 2.2.19pre17.
Knowing that I invoked

apt-get install kernel-source-2.2.19pre17

and also

apt-get install kernel-headers-2.2.19pre17

Thinking I had succesfully loaded the needed libraries I then fired up the
build_deb script that comes with the ltmodem sources. Bummer, it tells me it
can't find the headers in


Indeed ls shows me that there are 2 directories underneath /usr/src:


Which one of those two do I use? Uname doesn't specify either of them.

There's also a file kernel-source-2.2.19pre17.bz2 in /usr/src I presume these
are the kernel sources, but shouldn't they be unpacked somewhere? If I need to
do that myself, where should I put them?

Sorry to pester you guys with all these questions. I tried finding the answers
on the net and in the doc directories, but was unsucessful.

Grx HdV

P.S. I have found the kernel how-to, but that didn't answer my questions.

Support bacteria -
they're the only culture some people have.

J.A. de Vries aka HdV
Delft University of Technology
Computing Centre


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