
thx for your quick answer.

On Fri, 2001-10-05 at 21:04, James D Strandboge wrote:
> I had the same problem until I realized it might be ecn related.  If
> you are running kernel 2.4.x, then do:
yes, I have kernel 2.4.9

> cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn
> and see if it shows '1'.  If so, do:
> echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn
mh, this "file" is not there (some other tcp_* are there); may I have
forgotten in kernelconfig???

> and see if it works.  Interestingly enough, one of the sites was
> www.sun.com that couldn't handle ecn.
actually, sun.com works (Star Office announcement as headliner...)

> Jamie Strandboge


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