hi ya miquel

> > if you are worried about security.... 
> >     - disable dhcp and use all ip# defined by the "mask"
> That doesn't make much sense.

if one has a class-C ip# ..and only using 20 ip# out of the range..
it is easy for someone to plug in an unauthorise machine into
your network... and sniff anything they like..
        - laptops being plugged in w/ security audit is a prime example
        of someone plugging stuff in w/o telling anybody

        - the laptops could have been hacked while on the home lan
        and now gets to transfer itself to the secure office lna

- so to prevent that... i disable dhcp ... and use the proper 
  broadcast and netmasks  needed to eliminated un-used ip# that
  could be used by floating laptops 
c ya

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