On 6 Oct 2001, Dale Morris wrote:

> I posted this sometime back and was never able to get a satisfactory
> solution. Maybe someone can give me some better pointers now..
> When I try to print a file using dvips quantum.dvi command, what prints
> out is the following:
> %!PS-Adobe-2.0
> %%Creator: dvips(k) 5.86d Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software
> %%Title: quantum.dvi
> %%Pages: 1
> %%PageOrder: Ascend
> ....(more header then a page full of misc garbage)

Well, from what you say above your postscript file is printing out as text
(if you read your postscript file using less or some editor you will see
that your postscript file is actually text like you describe above), and
not being interpreted correctly as postscript, which means a printing
filter problem.

It would be helpful to know

1) What printer you are using, and is it a postscript printer? I'm
guessing the answer is no, since you need to use a postscript filter.

2) More importantly, what printing software are you using? I recommend

With that information we may be able to do something. Incidentally,
www.linuxprinting.org is a useful general resource, and has electronic
bulletin boards where you can get help if you can't find answers here.

Oh, and I suggest you change the default in dvips so that it outputs a
posstscript file, instead of sending directly to the printer You'll need
to change the line "%o |lpr"  to "o" in /etc/texmf/dvips/config.ps . I
suggest just commenting out the old line to remind you what was there.

Debian ships it like this because that is the tetex default and it is
against policy to change it or something.

                              Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

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