On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 01:32:59PM -0600, Matt Fair wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Debian Stable with Webalizer V1.30-04 (Linux 2.2.12) English. 
> I have several websites running on my server using Apache/1.3.9 (Unix), 
> each site with its own config file.  I have a cron to run: webalizer -c 
> <config file> each half hour.  On October 4th one of my sites got about 
> 20,000 hits and now from the 5th on does not record any records.  No 
> daily stats, nothing.  Apache is still recording the transfer logs, and 
> I manually executed webalizer with the config files, and it runs through 
> the correctly, but does not generate any NEW stats, nothing past the 4th.

since the beginning of september I'm sometimes getting something like
<oversized request truncated> from webalizer, though I haven't look at it
because upgrade to woody is underway.... just to let you know that mine is not
perfect as well (and no I really don't have any idea how many hits this site
have :-))...

> output:
> Titan:/var/virtual/opensimpx/stats# /usr/bin/webalizer -c 
> /etc/webalizer/opensimpx.org.conf
> Webalizer V1.30-04 (Linux 2.2.12) English
> Using logfile /var/log/apache/virtual/opensimpx/transfer.log
> Creating output in /var/virtual/opensimpx/stats
> Hostname for reports is 'www.opensimpx.org'
> Reading history file... webalizer.hist
> Reading previous run data.. webalizer.current
> 26 records (26 ignored) in 0.00 seconds
> Are there any known bugs like this in webalizer?
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> -- 
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