Robert L. Harris wrote:

>Has XFS gone read-write?  Last I heard it was still very experimental
>and read only in the kernel.

Not at all! XFS is very stable. If you want the full capabilities
of an XFS-capable kernel, you better stick with 2.4.5. It's good enough
for production systems (the guys at SGI use it for streaming very big
computer-graphics-heavy movies et. al. Makes me wonder - they used
Linux systems in the production of "Final Fantasy: The Movie." Did they
use XFS?)

Anyway, I'm still using 2.4.9 with XFS patches on a Debian stable
system with the XFS filesystem on almost all (except the /home

Lots of stuff in XFS sure do look like 2.5 material. Anyway, XFS works
fine with me (especially with my big files such as a 300 MB Oracle
database file and my anime movie files).

Paolo Alexis Falcone


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