* Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:
> > Its interesting that people don't really seem to think
> > much of ext3 but in my experience it is superb.
> I've been using it for about 3 months or so and have no
> complaints. The most appealing thing for me was the *simple*
> conversion to it -- no reformat needed.
> > I use a headless box with very old components.  If I
> > need to reboot and can't ssh in, just pulling the plug
> > works nicely...never any need to worry.
> I had to do something... My wife's PC is in the basement and
> if she's home with the kid, she doesn't like being down there
> for long 'cause there's nothing for our boy to do. So, she
> uses my PC upstairs. She's much more familiar with Windows, so
> she *resets* my box to boot Windows.

I feel your pain. We are four students here, and we have a head-/
keyboardless machine acting as a "gateway" to internet through a dialup
line. It is running potato, and has ext2. One of the girls unplugged
the machine to iron her top...


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