On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 01:37:55PM -0700, sheine wrote:
> Tommi Komulainen wrote:
> > Just a thought, you weren't planning to do anything productive with, or
> > did you?  If you did, guess you'd better reconsider:

[I was referring to StarOffice there]

I guess I should've added more smileys there...  The whole point was
that nobody ever reads the license agreements.  Please, do feel free to
correct me if I'm wrong. :)

You must agree that prohibiting productive work in the license agreement
is somewhat amusing.  I know, it's beta, but still...

> This message caused me to reconsider the several years that I have fooled 
> around with linux. Maybe it is just a computer game, not a serious tool. It 
> doesn't crash like Windows, but no matter how well things are going, a new 
> problem always arises. In the absence of good documentation, the best way to 
> solve a problem is to go to this web site. But a tool is something that 
> works when you need it and doesn't continuously call attention to itself.

Interesting response to my half-assed attempt to remind that one might
want to read the license agreement every now and then.

Now, would you be surprised if I told you that the same clause
prohibiting productive work is also present in the Windows version
license agreement?  Does that make you wonder if Windows is just a
computer game, not a serious tool?  And what about Solaris?

I believe that one should use the tool that gets the job done.  However
there usually is more than one thing to do so you have compromise.  You
can do one job very well in one platform but some other job in the same
platform gives you massive headaches.  And yet both jobs has to be done.
One has to find a suitable balance between productivity and headaches.
For me and my programmer's nature Linux is clearly the winner (of those
that I've tried so far.)  For you it might be something else.  

Hammer is *not* the only tool there is in the toolbox.

Tommi Komulainen                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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