On Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 01:09:25PM +0200, Søren Neigaard wrote:
| Oh... Found out that xserver-xfree86 wasn't installed at all!? Strange
| huh? I have had X running, so something must have gone badly wrong
| during my apt-get dist-install, I wonder what else is missing.

Yeah, that could be a problem ;-).  To see what you have installed,

    dpkg -l \* | grep "^ii" | less

| Ok I installed it, and run X -configure. I do not get any options, it
| seems to autodetect everything... At boot gdm trys to start, and the
| screen flickers 4-5 times, and I get my normal text login (no X).
| Can't I get this good old graphic setup menu I got during install, the
| one where I can chose my mouse, keyboard, card and screen (I really
| miss it)?

I think that graphical config was XF86Setup, or some other similar
program.  Those only work with X3, AFAIK.

The new (X4) xserver should autodetect everything, but it looks as if
it did just as well with your card as with mine.  Try
    $EDITOR /etc/X11/XF86Config
    $EDITOR /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

and make the mode lines, etc, match the original (working) setup.

| If I do a XFree86 -configure I lose my keyboard, and I have to pull
| the plug.

Odd.  What sort of keyboard?  PS2 or USB?

| Oh year, and if I try to run startx, I get this: "Fatal server error:
| could not open default font 'fixed'"

    dpkg -l xfonts\* | less

See what font packages you have installed.  You want at least
xfonts-base and probably also xfonts-100dpi.  Also check the FontPath
lines in the config file and make sure they are correct.  If you are
running xfs then you only need the connection to xfs, not any of the


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