------- Forwarded Message

Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 15:34:15 +0200
From: Morten Bo Johansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lynx-ssl: Alert! HTTP 1.0 400 bad request; Not with other browsers

Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is certainly a modified behavior on the part of lynx. Those
> links used to work with lynx until recently. More over, there
> are more examples of this sort on eBay site. After reading your
> message I tend to believe that the problem started with one of
> the recent versions of lynx:

You're right - I checked with Lynx 2.8.3 it does strip the
offending space and the pages thus work ok.

I have sent a report on this to lynx-dev and I expect the
problem to be fixed in the next development version.



- -- 
"To create man was a quaint and original idea, but to add the sheep 
  was tautology."                                      (Mark Twain)

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        Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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