I use ippl to track network traffic. I've never configured it to track
things like NAT usage, or anything complex. However, by combining some
carefully chosen ipchains with the -l option with ippl, you should be
able to log most anything.


On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 09:18:35AM -0700, Mike Egglestone wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2 nics in my server with ipmasq installed.
> I would like to have some kind of information of how much
> data is passing through the firewall.
> I use squid for Internet access, and so I can use squid's
> logs to view web browsing, but it doesn't really tell me 
> how much data went through, at what times, etc.
> Is there such a package out there that can monitor data
> travelling through your server?
> Thanks for your help!!
> Cheers,
> Mike

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