seems to be a problem with the current packages. a friend and me have the 
same problem (with unstable/SID)

On Thursday, 18. October 2001 19:55, Nick Jennings wrote:
> Hello,
>   I am a long time debian user, however I'm having a rather odd problem,
>  perhaps someone here has run into this before. I am running woody,
>  this is a fresh install. Perhaps it's a bug that needs to be reported?
>  I can run X at the prompt (logging in the console), however when I use
>  kdm (or gdm/xdm) and login, it seems to attempt to start up an X session
>  and then quits back to the display manager. This happens no matter what
>  account I login with. (i.e. root, or my user).
>  I don't notice really anythis odd in the /var/log/XFree86.0.log, and
>  I'm stumped.
>  All help appreciated.
>  NOTE: Please CC my email directly in response, as I am not subscribed
>        to debian-user.

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