Shaul Karl [debian-user] <21/10/01 09:20 +0200>:
> > I've just installed woody with xfree 4.1 and gnome 1.4, all from scratch.
> > 
> > I've had some problems to launch X because issuing "startx" linux has
> > been complaining that X was not executable. I've relinked X (which
> > pointed to a non existent xserver_svga) to XFree86 and it all worked
> > properly AS ROOT.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, under a newly-defined user (dada) X invariably fails to
> > start.  Now I've tried with the classical .xinitrc & .xsession with
> > the only line "gnome-session" to no avail.
> > 
> > What's wrong with it and what should I do or check?
> > 
> > Vittorio
> > 
> What is written in /etc/X11/Xserver?
> -- 
> When responding, please quote my entire message.
>     Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Shaul,

under /etc/X11/xserver there's only the file SecurityPolicy containing the 



# $Xorg: SecurityPolicy,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:47:56 cpqbld Exp $

# The site policy fields are interpreted by the XC-QUERY-SECURITY-1
# authorization protocol.  The values are arbitrary and site-specific.
# Refer to the Security Extension Specification for the usage of the policies.
#sitepolicy A
#sitepolicy B
#sitepolicy C

# Property access rules:
# property <property> <window> <permissions>
# <window> ::= any | root | <propertyselector>
# <propertyselector> ::= <property> | <property>=<value>
# <permissions> :== [ <operation> | <action> | <space> ]*
# <operation> :== r | w | d
#       r       read
#       w       write
#       d       delete
# <action> :== a | i | e
#       a       allow
#       i       ignore
#       e       error

# Allow reading of application resources, but not writing.
property RESOURCE_MANAGER       root    ar iw
property SCREEN_RESOURCES       root    ar iw

# Ignore attempts to use cut buffers.  Giving errors causes apps to crash,
# and allowing access may give away too much information.
property CUT_BUFFER0    root    irw
property CUT_BUFFER1    root    irw
property CUT_BUFFER2    root    irw
property CUT_BUFFER3    root    irw
property CUT_BUFFER4    root    irw
property CUT_BUFFER5    root    irw
property CUT_BUFFER6    root    irw
property CUT_BUFFER7    root    irw

# If you are using Motif, you probably want these.
property _MOTIF_DEFAULT_BINDINGS        root    ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW     root    ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS    any     ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOMS      any     ar iw
property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOM_PAIRS any     ar iw

# If you are running CDE you also need these
property _MOTIF_WM_INFO         root    arw
property TT_SESSION             root    irw
property WM_ICON_SIZE           root    irw
property "SDT Pixel Set"        any     irw

# The next two rules let xwininfo -tree work when untrusted.
property WM_NAME        any     ar

# Allow read of WM_CLASS, but only for windows with WM_NAME.
# This might be more restrictive than necessary, but demonstrates
# the <required property> facility, and is also an attempt to
# say "top level windows only."
property WM_CLASS       WM_NAME ar

# These next three let xlsclients work untrusted.  Think carefully
# before including these; giving away the client machine name and command
# may be exposing too much.
property WM_STATE       WM_NAME ar
property WM_CLIENT_MACHINE      WM_NAME ar
property WM_COMMAND     WM_NAME ar

# To let untrusted clients use the standard colormaps created by
# xstdcmap, include these lines.
property RGB_DEFAULT_MAP        root    ar
property RGB_BEST_MAP   root    ar
property RGB_RED_MAP    root    ar
property RGB_GREEN_MAP  root    ar
property RGB_BLUE_MAP   root    ar
property RGB_GRAY_MAP   root    ar

# To let untrusted clients use the color management database created
# by xcmsdb, include these lines.
property XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_CORRECTION    root    ar
property XDCCC_LINEAR_RGB_MATRICES      root    ar
property XDCCC_GRAY_SCREENWHITEPOINT    root    ar
property XDCCC_GRAY_CORRECTION  root    ar

# To let untrusted clients use the overlay visuals that many vendors
# support, include this line.
property SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS root    ar


I'm new to it, I was accostumed to 3.3.6.

What's next?


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