
I'm trying to install XMPS mediaplayer.
When I do an apt-get it says that there are broken dependencies, and that I 
have to get "libsdl1.2" first.
Ok, so I did, but I only could get "libsdl1.2debian-all" from the unstable dir 
(my system is a unstable Debian).

But now when I try to get XMPS I have the same problem, unable to download XMPS 
because dependencies with libsdl1.2.

Anyone an idea how to solve this? 

I have seen the correct package "libsdl1.2 in the testing directory, but I 
don't know if I'm on the right track when I start downloading packages from 
tesing to my unstable version.

Another solution might be another mpeg-player, but which one?


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