On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, eDoc wrote:
> # cd linux
> Uh Oh!
> (I think you meant "cd pcmcia" because I can see something
> called "linux" in /usr/src/ trying to "cd" there gets only an error.)

no, i meant linux.  in the linux tar, there is a pcmcia directory.  that's
what i have to remove in order to get a clean kernel compile.

> I did execute "cd pcmcia" and then proceeded ...
> # rm -rf pcmcia

this wouldn't do anything, at least as of version 3.1.25.

> # make menuconfig
> "***No rule to make target 'menuconfig'. Stop"

make sure you're in your linux source directory (/usr/src/linux) when you
do this.

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| http://www.exitwound.org : hard to find       |
| An optimist believes we live in the best      |
| world possible; a pessimist fears this is     |
| true.                                         |
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