On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 07:59:19PM +0200, Kai Sterker wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I've got a question concerning Debian I found no answer for in the
> manuals; perhaps you can help me:
> Is it possible to see what packages I have installed, so I can
> (a) download all of them in one go and
> (b) reinstall exactly those package after erasing all of my HD
> For example, if I make dist-upgrade, I guess only those packages are
> downloaded that are no longer up-to-date on my box, which might not be all.
> Even if all packages would be downloaded, I wouldn't know how to make sure 
> that all of them are installed when I do a fresh setup _without_ manually
> selecting every single package.
> For example, SuSE allows to save a package configuration (to a floppy disk
> among others). And when doing a new install, I can load that config from the
> disk, so I need not go through package selection again. Is something similar
> possible with Debian too? 
> Thing is, I'll have to completely erase my HD, and I want to minimize the
> time to setup everything to my liking afterwards.

dpkg --get-selections > package.list

Then, after you reinstall, you can do:

dpkg --set-selections < package.list
apt-get dselect-upgrade

That should do it for you. You may want to save some of your config
files in /etc, if you have modified anything special.

/                   Ben Collins    --    Debian GNU/Linux                  \

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