I need to be able to run software that hasn't been ported to
linux on my system.

Presently I have a duel boot machine, but I would rather
run the software while in the debian linux boot.

I realize that this requires me to download and install
wine on the system, but what else do I need to do to get
this to work?

That was really coherent......not. *sigh*

What I need to do is access the software (and files) in the
Windoze partians from wine in linux.  Can anyone please give
me an idea of where I need to look to find out HOW?  Or if
you've managed to do this, tell me how YOU did it?

All help cheerfully accepted.



May the Lords of Luck and Chance be always at your 
side, and may your hand always be a winner.

** Find me a spaceship I can USE, and I'm OFF this  **
** dirtball!!                                       **

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