If I need a new module (one that I didn't know
 about when I did my initial Debian install), do
 I have to build a new kernel to get that module,
 or can I just install the module now somehow?
 Specifically, I want to be able to do java development.
 I did an apt-get of jdk1.1-native and jdk1.1-native-dev
 (from stable).  The debian FAQ says:
   "Debian's default kernel is configured with Java support
    built in as a module...You need to make sure the module
    is loaded.  You can do it at boot time by inserting the line
    binfmt_java in the file /etc/modules."
 I did that, but on reboot it couldn't find binfmt_java.  I tried
 to apt-get binfmt_java, but it couldn't find it.
 I suspect that during installation I failed to specify that I
 wanted java support, so that binfmt_java isn't included
 in my kernel.  If so, is there any way to add it now, or
 do I have to build a new kernel? (On installation, I
 opted for the "vanilla" kernel, 2.2r3").

Or, is it possible that java support is now compiled
directly into the kernel (i.e., is no longer a module)?
     Mike Fontenot

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