> Hello all.
> My debian distribution grew kinda big 1.2G. I know I'm not using a lot of 
> what I have installed. Now, due to a number of interdependecies I would like 
> to look at dependency tree of all deb files and pick out those branches that 
> I don't use and uninstall.
> Any recomendations on what program can help me ?
> I'm looking something similar to package manager from KDE.

No what you want but looks to me handy for your case: deborphan

Quoting the man page:

          deborphan  finds  packages that have no packages depending
          on them. The default operation is to  search  only  within
          the  libs  and  oldlibs  sections,  to  hunt  down  unused

          If it is invoked with an optional list of  packages,  only
          the  dependencies  on  those packages will be checked. The
          results are printed to stdout as if the option --show-deps
          had  been given. Searching for specific packages will show
          the package, regardless of its priority. It is possible to
          specify -, to read a list of packages from standard input.


When responding, please quote the entire message.

    Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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