On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 23:33:43 +1000
Damon Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DM> Quoth Joerg Johannes, 
DM> > I'm trying to get xine to work in fullscreen mode, but I can't get it.
DM> > I have a GeForce card with nvidia drivers, XV is working, but xine only
DM> > shows up in window mode ("F" during playback has no effect, and "-pf" on
DM> > the command line neither...)

you might give mplayer a try as well, I used to use xine but now I moved to 
Some pointers are on the page: 'HOWTO get your G400/450 singing and dancing'
just the nvidia drivers off course and the mplayer documention place is 
really(!) good.


My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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