Sorry for replying so late, I somehow missed your message till I started
cleaning out old messages in my d-u folder...

On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 01:08:23PM -0500, lloyd wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 16:50:08 +1100
> Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Can someone give me the URL of a Debian installer CD that will
> > > detect and install onto a system that has *only* 3ware IDE RAID
> > > storage?
> > 
> > Don't the bf2.4 support this?  Don't forget to build/download a proper
> > kernel once you've installed.
> I'm not sure I get it - when you say "once you've installed" - 

I just meant to install a full featured kernel once you have installed
the Debian base system.  The bf2.4 kernels are missing a number of
important things that are unnecessary for the install...

> it seems
> I'm unable to install the kernel without first having some disk space
> available - but since the installer can't see my 3ware IDE RAID
> controller, I don't have any disk space to give it.  (This is when I'm
> using the official Debian net installation CD.)

Ooooh, OK.

> Do I need a specific installer that has support for the controller?  Or
> can I enable support in the installer durin the install process?  I did
> find a 3w-xxxx driver by switching to another terminal, but I don't know
> if it loaded properly, and in RAID1 mode.  I want to be sure I don't
> hose my RAID array since I already have two other OS's on there that I'm
> actively using.  (When partitioning my drive I left an empty 20GB
> partition for an eventual Debian install - this will be my first.)

Do you know which versions of Linux support these 3ware cards? I don't
know anything about that at all, sorry.  A possibly simpler solution is
to get an old and small hard rive from somewhere, install the Debian base
system on it, plug it in to your computer and boot into a
kernel that supports the 3ware RAID controller on it, and then follow
these instructions to install the Debian bases system on your array:  It's annoying and
fiddly, but it should work.

I'm sure someone out there has made a boot floppy that will boot with
that controller; if you can find one, you could quite easily use that to
start the Debian installer, then just go through the normal install with
it.  I've no idea where though, sorry again.

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  

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