> I'm just curious, what exactly are these files? My own mini-Debian
> installer consists of the following files:
> base2_2.tgz
> basecont.txt
> drivers.tgz
> kernel-config
> linux
> rescue.bin [2.88MB floppy version]
> It would help newbies with a little bandwidth to burn if somebody cooks
> up an official Internet friendly Debian ISO image. Pop the mini CD in.
> Tick whether you want stable, testing or unstable. And voila, an
> up-to-date Debian system. Defenestrate those half-GB+ ISO's.

I was wondering how you burn all of those onto a cd.  I know you cant copy
all of those directly to cd.  I was wondering what program you use to burn
them, and is there a Windows98 program that does something like this as
well.  Thanks.

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