[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rohan Deshpande) writes:

> Hi everyone,
> I was just wondering why this is happening:
> When I am typing in a terminal, i.e. a long directory, at the end of the
> terminal's width, the text does not start on a new line.  It just
> overwrites what text is already on screen; it works properly if all the
> text is entered in but i can't see all of the text.
> Any ideas?

You have non-printing character in your command prompt, perhaps?
This can cause all kinds of strange things to happen. Especially
when on the bottom line of the terminal. If so, try this (from
man bash) --

              \[     begin a sequence of non-printing characters,
                     which could be used to embed a terminal conĀ­
                     trol sequence into the prompt
              \]     end a sequence of non-printing characters


*  For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*  that whoever believes in Him should not perish...    John 3:16  *

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