On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 04:16:06PM -0500, dman wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 06:14:18PM +0000, Matthew Sackman wrote:
> | On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 11:54:55AM -0600, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:
> | > > I'm trying to make mutt so that it would use a particular "from:" 
> e-mail address, and I've looked it up on the man pages and it told me to set 
> from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in the .muttrc file; however, mutt ignores it...
> | > > Can someone help?
> | > 
> | > this is how i do it:
> | > folder-hook .    my_hdr From: name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | 
> | Again, that will only work if your MTA trusts you. Basically, the MTA
> | pulls the name from /etc/mailname and puts your username infront of it.
> I bet the MTA on my school's system doesn't trust me.  However, the
> "my_hdr From: <blah>" works just fine.  I too never quite got the
> "from" directive to work as I expected, but the "my_hdr" allows for
> customization of any (official or made-up) headers.

Yes - that's a very useful trick - the only other thing I'd come up with
is using 'E' to manually edit the headers - which achieves much the same

It seems that postfix (which I use here and on other systems) trusts
anyone by default - I've yet to come across any kind of configuration
for limiting the from addresses - it would appear that the /etc/mailcap
is used by default but postfix is happy to let anyone use anything else
if you actually specify it.



Matthew Sackman

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