>I know it sounds strange, but I have debian 2.2R3 and it works perfect
>with kernel 2.2.19 but not usb, I think that my board is not suported (I
>have an IWILL, with K6, I canĀ“t remenber the model). If I try to use
>kernel 2.4.13 I get the usb working, but I cant use ppp, geting a
>strange error about a tty, and I have also problems with IDE-SCSI
>emulation for a cd-recorder.
>       What can I do??? Ther is any patch to update usb version for kernel
>2.2.19? where? What else do I have to update to use kernel 2.4.13?? Any
>other idea?

For ppp, maybe you haven't upgraded your pppd for 2.4. You need a
2.4.x pppd for use in the 2.4.x kernels. Check out people.debian.org/
~bunk for the packages you need to upgrade for using 2.4 kernels with
potato. Mind that debian doesn't officially support using 2.4 kernels
in potato.

To use the new kernels you need to upgrade your gcc to 2.95.3. Check
master.debian.org/~doko for the gcc-2.95.3 port to potato. Besides
that, you need not upgrade any (since you're using potato 2.2r3, like

If you're adamant to using 2.2.x kernels, check out 2.2.20. I haven't
yet, so I ain't sure (I don't have USB devices and I use 2.4.x
kernels). AFAIK Alan Cox will post a complete changelog
by Monday so hang on (and hope and pray?)

As for the tty and the SCSI-emulator problems, what are they 
specifically? others might know the solution.

Paolo Alexis Falcone


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