on Sat, Nov 10, 2001 at 10:19:57AM +0100, Angel Parra ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hello!!
> k
> I have some audio-cd's that can`t be readed on my CD-reader (and I
> think that in no one) This CD's are the new "anti-copy" tecnique. I
> nearly sure that the secret off the anticopy is to pot wrong CRC on
> fisical media, on some samples. Of course the discograpic give you a
> player, for windos, and what happend with linux, os/2, mac ...??
> My question. I have a IDE CD-reader and a IDE CD-recorder, with ICSI
> emulation. Wher can I find inside kernel (version 2.2.20) the CRC
> check for audio/data CD's, I will wanth to switch it off and check if
> it's posible to read the "bad CD". Or if you have any other idea or
> know aout ani cd-player that suports this kind of CD`s?

This has been covered in several news reports, see the Register:

    Old code defeats new CD anti-ripping technologies
    Tony Smith, 10 August, 2001

    'Hi-fi nuking' CD technology safe claims developer
    Tony Smith, 10 August, 2001

    CD anti-piracy system can nuke hi-fi kit
    Tony Smith, 3 August, 2001

    Anti-rip CD system bypassed
    Tony Smith, 1 August, 2001

There is new content restriction technology being used, without notice,
on audio CDROMs.  The technology is incompatible with computer CD
players, and may harm some audio equipment.

My suggestion:  return the disk(s) as defective to your vendor.  Sue the
bejesus out of them if they balk.  Publish then name of the store,
recording lable, and artist who are using this technology, and tell the
store you will be doing this.  Post the names here.  

Avoid all the involved players like the plague.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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