#include <hallo.h>
Karsten M. Self wrote on Sun Nov 11, 2001 um 03:49:33AM:

> > the list and searched for that entry. Ext3 stores the position the
> > last found entry, so when accessing again, the search begins an this
> > position and you get your entry wery fast, in best case within the
> > first search loop.
> My understanding is that the difference between ext2 and ext3 is the
> presence and use of the .journal file.   The issue of list access

Basicaly yes, but they did also tune the driver a bit.

> remains, and in particular, random file selects, inserts, and deletes,
> must operate on the list.

Of course, the random access does not profit from the trick, but
list operations on large directories where ext2 sucked so much.

> I'd be more convinced of your argument if you'd provide a reference to
> ext3 docs describing the behavior you mention.

Well, it was discussed even on debian-devel.

file:///usr/doc/kernel-patch-ext3-2.4/changelog.gz (see 0.9.10)

<Joey> Ok, da steckt auch nicht mehr Arbeit fuer mich hinter?
       Dann bin ich's doch.
                                  -- #debian.de

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