On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 01:56:01AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> i never had problems with this before even though i noticed a million
> people complaining. i would like to unsubscribe from a debian-curiosa.
> i know for a fact that i am subscribed to debian-curiosa as
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] thus i do:
>   /usr/sbin/sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] << EOM
>   Subject: unsubscribe
>   EOM
> and I get back:
>   It has been requested that the following address:
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   should be deleted from the debian-news mailing list.
>   Sorry, but this address has NOT been found on the list.
> yet I receive debian-curiosa at exactly that address.
> Are the list servers just plain broken or just in a bad mood?

Sometimes things are a bit spooky.  I'm not sure exactly what's wrong
but I assume that unsubscribe requests are processed using some form
of regex which doesn't always work.  For instance, a few months ago I
was subscribed as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  I subscribed to all the
debian lists I frequent as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and then sent
unsubscribe requests for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  Imagine my surprise
when "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" was unsubscribed instead 9and no, I didn't
send the requests from my incanus.net account).

Good luck!

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A young man wrote to Mozart and said:
  Q: "Herr Mozart, I am thinking of writing symphonies. Can you give me any
     suggestions as to how to get started?"
  A: "A symphony is a very complex musical form, perhaps you should begin with
     some simple lieder and work your way up to a symphony."
  Q: "But Herr Mozart, you were writing symphonies when you were 8 years old."
  A: "But I never asked anybody how."

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