On Thu, 15 Nov 2001 10:51:56 +0100
"Bayer, Christoph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have just selected all wanted packages on one host
> with dselect. What have I to do to use the same selection
> on another host? I can use "dpkg -l" to list all installed
> packages, but how can I import them on the next host?

man dpkg:

       dpkg --get-selections [pattern...]
              Get  list  of  package  selections, and write it to

       dpkg --set-selections
              Set package selections using file read from  stdin.

> Best regards,
> Christoph Bayer

Joop Stakenborg
FOM-instituut Rijnhuizen
tel. 030-6096862

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