On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 10:42:28AM +0100, Joerg Johannes wrote:
> Hi all
> I have a rather strange problem with my geforce2 card. When I try to run
> Q3A or UT, the game starts up fine, but all textures are terribly messed
> up - means I cannot play at all.
> I've tried ou several kernels (from 2.4.5 up top 2.4.14) and nvidia's
> drivers 1541 and 1251, in nearly all possible combinations. I don't know
> when this problem started, because  I did not play at all for nearly two
> months (noticed it last week). I'm using the most recent sid X packages.
> Has anyone seen the same problem? And how can I fix it?

Yes, I had the same problem; someone on this list posted a solution:

To make sure q3demo works:
as root
rm /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so*

I think a new installation of X creates these unneeded libGL.so* files
(unneeded because an installation of the Nvidia drivers creates them,
albeit in a different place) so you have to remove them.

Hope that works for you.


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