Tim Dijkstra said:

> debug1: Requesting pty.
> debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
> debug1: Requesting shell.
> debug1: Entering interactive session.
> Is that enough? Does anybody with X-forw working correctly gets the
> same  output?

pretty much. how bout when you start an X app?

sample output from one of my servers:
debug1: Received X11 open request.
debug1: fd 4 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: fd 4 IS O_NONBLOCK
debug1: channel 0: new [X11 connection from my.server.name port 3106]
(here i see the X app load on my local system)

it doesn't always work. heres another attempt at forwarding
X over SSH:
nis-wa% netscape
debug1: client_input_channel_open: ctype x11 rchan 2 win 4096 max 2048
debug1: client_request_x11: request from 50121
debug1: fd 7 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: fd 7 IS O_NONBLOCK
debug1: channel 1: new [x11]
debug1: confirm x11
debug1: X11 client supplied no authorization data.
debug1: X11 auth rejected 1 i1/o16
debug1: channel 1: read failed
debug1: channel 1: input open -> drain
debug1: channel 1: close_read
debug1: channel 1: write failed
debug1: channel 1: output open -> closed
debug1: channel 1: close_write
debug1: X11 closed 1 i2/o128
debug1: client_input_channel_open: ctype x11 rchan 3 win 4096 max 2048
debug1: client_request_x11: request from 50122
debug1: fd 8 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: fd 8 IS O_NONBLOCK
debug1: channel 2: new [x11]
debug1: confirm x11
debug1: channel 1: ibuf empty
debug1: channel 1: input drain -> closed
debug1: channel 1: send eof
debug1: channel 1: send close
debug1: channel 1: rcvd eof
debug1: X11 client supplied no authorization data.
debug1: X11 auth rejected 2 i1/o16
debug1: channel 2: read failed
debug1: channel 2: input open -> drain
debug1: channel 2: close_read
debug1: channel 2: write failed
debug1: channel 2: output open -> closed
debug1: channel 2: close_write
debug1: X11 closed 2 i2/o128
Xlib: client uses different protocol version (11) than server (0)!
Error: Can't open display:
debug1: channel 1: rcvd close
debug1: channel 1: is dead
debug1: channel_free: channel 1: status: The following connections are
open:  #0 client-session (t4 r0 i1/0 o16/0 fd 4/5)
  #1 x11 (t4 r2 i8/0 o128/0 fd 7/7)
  #2 x11 (t4 r3 i2/0 o128/0 fd 8/8)

debug1: channel 2: ibuf empty
debug1: channel 2: input drain -> closed
debug1: channel 2: send eof
debug1: channel 2: send close
debug1: channel 2: rcvd eof
Xlib: client uses different protocol version (11) than server (0)!
Error: Can't open display:
debug1: channel 2: rcvd close
debug1: channel 2: is dead
debug1: channel_free: channel 2: status: The following connections are
open:  #0 client-session (t4 r0 i1/0 o16/8 fd 4/5)
  #2 x11 (t4 r3 i8/0 o128/0 fd 8/8)

i don't know how to fix the above problem. ive also
got other errors from time to time. it depends on
the version of SSH, the OS and suprisingly enough
the app. heres a sucessful X forward on the same
host as the one above(with the errror)

nis-wa% xclock
debug1: client_input_channel_open: ctype x11 rchan 2 win 4096 max 2048
debug1: client_request_x11: request from 50148
debug1: fd 7 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: fd 7 IS O_NONBLOCK
debug1: channel 1: new [x11]
debug1: confirm x11
(and the clock shows on my screen)

nothing changed, i didnt even logout, just typed xlcock
and off i go..

ive been at a loss as to why that is for quite some time.


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