On Thu, 2001-11-15 at 10:08, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
> | >| linked code). (Does anyone have benchmark results?) If I remember
> | >| correctly, it is debian policy to  use '-g' and then strip non-library
> | >| binaries. I'm sure I'll get howls for suggesting it, but I think that
> | >| the policy should be to not use '-g' in the stable distribution.
> | >
> | current stable distribution. It would be great if someone could get some
> | hard numbers on the space saved and performance improvements of getting
> | rid of debugging symbols in the stable dist (and post it to devel).
> Greetings,
>       I just did this as a test.  Let's take the ubiquitous "Hello World"
> program.  The code:
> #include <stdio.h>
> int main ( void )
> {
>     printf( "Hello World\n" );
>     return 0;
> }
>       If you compile this with 'gcc -Wall test.c -o test_clean', the resulting
> binary is 4981 bytes.  If you compile it with 'gcc -g -Wall test.c -o
> test_debug', the resulting binary is 14181 bytes.  That is a 284% larger
> size.  Or if you invert the fraction, the stripped binary is 35% of the size
> of the loaded binary.  Another statistic is that the source code is a mere
> 82 bytes.  Now, I don't suppose that this size comparison is exactly the
> same for all generated code, but it is an appreciable difference.

I built a linux from scratch system a while ago, which talks about
debugging symbols and relative sizes of stripped and unstripped
binaries.  I quote from version 3.0:

Before you start wondering whether these debugging symbols really make a
big difference, here are some statistics. Use them to draw your own

* A dynamic Bash binary with debugging symbols: 1.2MB
* A dynamic Bash binary without debugging symbols: 478KB
* /lib and /usr/lib (glibc and gcc files) with debugging symbols: 87MB
* /lib and /usr/lib (glibc and gcc files) without debugging     symbols:


first impressions are bunk (unknown)

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