> Mike Dresser said:
> > I'm looking to see if there's a replacement pop3 server I can use
> > that can scan the mailboxes for new mail, without having to scan
> > ALL of the mailfile, as it does currently.
> cyrus. courier can too but im not sure if the version thats in
> potato supports pop. i was in almost the same situation
> about a year ago. we were using UW IMAPD and it was dog slow
> so i looked into courier and cyrus and decided on cyrus
> because of pop3 support. even when loading an inbox with
> 5,000 messages cpu is less then 1% on the server. compared
> to UW IMAPd which was 100% for ~5-10 minutes
> nate

I've been using qpopper with imapd(http://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/imap.html) and it has been working rather well. The POP3 side works beautifully actually, and the IMAP side is a bit slow.

Now I know why.

First, would it be better if I switch to cyrus? I assume that if I do, I have to change the way exim delivers messages?

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