On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 23:54:27 -0800
"Karsten M. Self" <kmself@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> I'm looking for either an ext3fs patch to the 2.4.14 kernel sources (the
> 2.4.13 patch errors out), or would like the 2.4.15 kernel sources, which
> don't appear to be available yet -- any idea on when they're going to be
> out for Sid?

The ext3 patch was merged into 2.4.15pre2 (according to changelog).  It's
up to 2.4.15pre5 last I saw.  So, you could try that, or wait for 2.4.15
which probably won't be too long in coming. As far as I can tell 2.4.15
is mostly a few smaller fixes and driver fixes/additions (apparently
the loopback filesystem is fixed).  2.4.14 has been working pretty well
for me so far ... YMMV.

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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