On Sat, 2001-11-17 at 21:30, Geoff Beaumont wrote:
> On Sat, 2001-11-17 at 13:52, ben wrote:
> > 
> > > I've run both Sid and Woody systems, and find that the latter is
> > > actually slightly more problematic.  OTOH, we haven't had a "wipe your
> > > data" class of error for quite some time, and your chances of exposure
> > > to this on Sid are far higher than Woody.
> > 
> > what's the most drastic level of disfunction i could expect with woody? i'm 
> > just trying to guage the amount of free time i have against that required 
> > to 
> > enable a certain degree of functionality.
> I run Woody on my desktop machine and have almost no trouble with it -
> there's been the occasional broken package which I've had to roll back
> after doing an apt-get dist-upgrade, but nothing that took more than a
> few minutes to figure out and fix (I'm not a Debian guru). Even this
> doesn't happen often - on average perhaps once every couple of months,
> purely from personal experience.
> I might hesitate to use it on a server without good reason, but on a
> Desktop the far more up-to-date packages make it well worth it.

I run Woody both on a server and on 2 desktops without any real
Rule of thumb when dselect gives you a list of dependency problems: just
don t upgrade at that moment it will be fixed in the week.
All problems we saw with woody the last few monthes were X related which
is of no concern at all for the server which doesn t even have a screen
attached to it. For the desktops it took some time to resolve the
installation problems but with the help of this list it took only some


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