On Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 11:22:04PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Are there any-web based email providers that allow you to sign or encrypt
> emails?


> Would it still require that the computer you use to access the internet
> have a copy of your private key, or could this be stored by the
> web-based email provider?

The latter.  The web site has a certificate and you use HTTPS to access
them.  Similar to using SSH to log in to a remote server and use the
standard PGP tools there.


| A subversive is anyone who can out-argue their government
| Web: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/
| PGP Public Key: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/mail.html 

Attachment: pgp10hm4FEwKz.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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