On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 09:01:11PM +0100, Debian User wrote:
> Hi folks!
> Last week I tried to get a debian-derived CD-booting linux online.
> (It's called "knoppix". It seems to derive from woody, but has a pretty
> good hw-detection (sound, gfx, mouse, ... in less than 30s on a PIII 400).
> Bringing the system online was the easy part (wvdial-conf worked great).
> I saved the config-files and a little init-script to the local hd, so that
> it boots only from CD and installes nothing to a hd (I just need a floppy).
> But here comes the prob:
> I did this that i can play spellcast against my brother. I intended to use
> spellcast.vulpyne.net for this. But spellcast.vulpyne.net always complaints
> about "noX".
> xhost +spellcast.vulpyne.net or even xhost + did not solve this problem.
> Since I have XFree 3.3.6 my knowledge in XFree 4 is _very_ poor.

I don't know much about spellcast, but my guess would be that you have
"-nolisten tcp" in your /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc (or wherever X is
being started in your "derived" distro).  Remove that, and see if it
works then... (don't forget to restart X).

Also, if this box is more than a simple playstation, I guess (or hope)
you are aware of security-related issues with "xhost +", are you?


Erdmut Pfeifer
science+computing ag

-- Bugs come in through open windows. Keep Windows shut! --

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