Brian Nelson wrote:

> Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Brian Nelson wrote:
> >
> > > Debian isn't about holding newbies' hands.
> >
> > What do you want them to use, Red Hat? Heaven forbid.
> >
> > >  There isn't a mailing list dedicated to newbies
> > > installing debian.  The information is out there; it's up to them to
> > > find it, understand it, and apply it.  It's like a right of passage.
> > >
> > > Besides, isn't this the debian-user mailing list, for discussions
> > > among debian users?
> Although I'm almost done trolling, I just have to comment on this:
> > Yes, and newbies are also users, so their questions are appropriate in
> > this forum.
> So you're saying newbie questions are appropriate...
> > Of course there isn't a debian-newbies list. Nobody would read such a
> > thing except the newbies, and they wouldn't be able to answer each
> > others' questions reliably, for obvious reasons.
> But no one wants to read newbie questions.  So why are they
> appropriate if no one wants to read them?

No one wants to read posts by religious bigots. I don't mind looking at newbies
questions, so your premise is incorrect and your question and post are

With your attitude I suggest you just install Solaris and be done with it - your
attitude goes down real well there.

And consider this as well, if those who have a clue don't **guide** the newb in
the right direction there will be many improperly configured and managed Debian
boxes out there. And this will reflect on the Project and Community as a whole
when the word gets out that Debian is {unstable|insecure|unfriendly|elitist}.

I appreciate that you are just trolling, but you are doing the Project and the
Community a diservice. Please fix your pebcak.

John P Foster
Not a newbie, but not a Guru, just a user.

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