
I've been trying to build Nautilus-1.0 from source(gnome.org) on Woody.

I was hoping an experienced programmer could answer this...

I have the deb packages installed for mozilla-0.9.5 & mozilla-0.9.5-dev but the 
Nautilus-1.0 configure script thinks mozilla is < 0.8.  I added some debug 
echo's to configure to find out how it was testing for mozilla version and 
suddenly configure started detecting the mozilla version correctly.  My debug 
code only echo's some internal configure variables???

The biggest problem I have is in nautilus-1.0/components/mozilla. The source 
files in this subdir include mozilla headers as "gtkmozembed.h", 
"nsIServiceManager.h", etc.

Debian's mozilla-dev package has /usr/include/mozilla/bunch-of-subdirs

The configure script has a cmd line option --with-mozilla-include-place. If I 
set this to /usr/lib/mozilla the source files in components/mozilla fail.  If I 
modifiy the source files to point to the exact location of each header, i.e.
#include "gtkmozembed.h" becomes "gtkembedmoz/gtkmozembed.h"

then compiling works until one of the mozilla-dev headers is pulled in which 
try's to include another mozilla-dev header by using #include 

Do I edit the Makefile and add -I /usr/include/mozilla/subdir1 
/usr/include/mozilla/subdir2 .....

What am I not understanding about setting up the include path for a development 
library which has multiple directories?


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