I'm trying to run Staroffice 6 on my Debian machine.  On installation, it
griped about not having libXrender.so, so I made a link from that name to
libXrender.so.1.0.  That allowed the install to proceed fine.

But, now when I start Staroffice, after a few clicks on menu choices (e.g.
trying to open a document) the mouse hangs.  For a couple minutes, 1-2 pixel
width lines appear horizontally across the screen sporadically.  After that the
machine is hosed totally.   Every once in a while, during the line drawing
episodes,  I've been able to get the machine to respond to a
cntrl-alt-backspace, but not often.  

I checked the archives and it looks like some others are running Staroffice 6
beta fine, so does anyone know if this problem looks like an X problem...
missing some libraries?? Or what? Possibly a problem simply from using Debian

Using KDE; using unstable on an IBM Thinkpad T20 (been using Debian for about a
month only, sorry).  Everything else seems to work pretty good, though I have
some minor problems with other apps (On some applications - like Mozilla - menu
fonts are huge).  Am I missing a critcical piece of the X server perhaps?

Marsha Petry

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