On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 09:47:17AM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
| On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 04:09:53AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
| > > Yes, and you also have one to one key->user map, so the setup is not
| > > anonymous. Which may not be a good thing.
| > 
| > so then give me a way to figure out which identity logged in to ssh if
| > they all log in as one user?
| You don't need to.  That's sort of the point of anonymous access.

What is insecure about pserver, if you have anonymous access?  For
example, the gnome.org cvs server has a username "anonymous" with the
password "".  So what if the (empty) password is sent cleartext, and
so what if the source is too -- it's meant for anonymous access.

I think the original poster needs to step back and re-evaluate the
goals and requirements of his setup to determine which approach will
be best suited for his needs.



"...In the UNIX world, people tend to interpret `non-technical user' as
meaning someone who's only ever written one device driver."
    --Daniel Pead

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