on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 01:37:12AM +0100, Kim De Smaele ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> No, I'm running solaris 7 on it.
> I'just trying to find out a way to setup a logging for the rm command.
> Not for every user on the entire system, just for some users, defined by
> default group ( defined in /etc/profile ( ksh )).
> I was told by one of our OVMS admins that there is a logging available on
> I 'm more looking for a history of all the times 'rm' is used ( executed by
> user or program ).

Please fix your quoting style and use postfix (response follows quoted)

There is a process accounting package which will log use of specific
commands under GNU/Linux, though not with the arguments used.

See the Debian acct package for more info.

The other option is to provide a wrapper (shell or programmatic) around
'rm' which logs invocations, e.g.:


    # define the "real" rm command
    REALRM=<path to real 'rm' command>

    # log data to file
    logger -f /var/log/cmdlog "$( date ) $USER $*"

    # run real command on quoted arguments
    $REALRM $@

Note that it would be trivial for an even slightly experienced user to
bypass this facility.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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