Thomas He?ling wrote:

> I am using gnuplot to create EPS graphics which I embed into my LaTeX
> documents. That worked fine so far, but since the 'apt-get upgrade' last
> weekend I get the following error by GhostScript when trying to display
> those graphics: "Error: /invalidfont in findfont" (plus the stack
> stuff). 
> It doesn't matter which font I use (Helvetica, Times Roman, etc.), the
> error always occurs. At first I checked if the files exist at all, but
> they do and they're properly named in 'Fontmap.GS'. Dfontmgr also shows
> them up...
> Has anybody encountered similar problems and has an idea or even a
> solution for this problem?

Yes, I got ghostscript working again by setting the GS_LIB environment
variable in /etc/profile:

   export GS_LIB


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