On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 11:57:57AM -0800, Empty One wrote:
> I realise this may be a little late, it being the
> fourth and all, but i'm a behing in reading the list. 
> Are you sure you aren't leaving the origional message
> on the server?  I know that with some mail programs,
> every time you scan the server for new messages, it
> keeps adding the message, and leaving it in the
> server, creating the problem you are describing.
No, my fetchmail is configured to not keep the messages on the server -
so that is not it.

Actually, it seems to be better now.  I think what was actually doing it
was that my firewall was checking for "unclean" packets with this rule:
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -m unclean -j log_unclean

But apparently this is broken in the 2.4.14 kernel, which I just
happened to upgrade to.  What happened as a result was that my firewall
kept blocking a whole heap of "unclean" packets.  I think that this may
have been stuffing up fetchmail by making it resend the messages.

But I could be wrong.  The thing is that it seems to have gotten better
after I got rid of this rule in the firewall.  And I haven't changed my
/etc/postfix/main.cf, fetchmailrc, or .procmailrc files from what they
were when it was still happening.



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