On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 01:27:10PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
| On Wed, 05 Dec 2001 09:44:42 -0600, you wrote:
| >On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 11:41:34AM -0300, Nicol?s Conde wrote:
| >>    I'm new to Linux and I'd like to know how (if possible) to create a
| >> user with uid != 0 but that can do administrative tasks (add/delete
| >> user/groups, change permissions/ownership, run admin scripts such as
| >> 'updatedb', etc.).
| >
| >'sudo' lets you give non-root users the ability to become root for
| >certain commands. Its configuration file is /etc/sudoers, described in
| >the sudoers(5) man page. If I were you I'd ignore the long and detailed
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ man sudoers
| No manual entry for sudoers
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ man sudo
| No manual entry for sudo
| bash: sudo: command not found

This means you don't have it installed.

$ apt-cache search sudo
calife - Provides super user privileges to specific users.
dpsyco-sudo - Automate administration of sudo privileges.
gnome-sudo - GUI frontend to sudo
wajig - Simplified Debian package management front end
sudo - Provides limited super user privileges to specific users.

'sudo' is the package you want.

# apt-get install sudo

(or use dselect if you prefer)



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