> I've got a lab of 19 Gateways that are dual-booting between Debian and 
> W2K. I use Ghost to create them. Generally I use one as a master, push 
> the image up to a server, then ghost it down to the other machines. 

Well, I think if it's possible, it's possible. It must be something about
either my lilo configuration, my partition configuration, or the way I'm
making the images.

> I've never worked with creating bootable CDs.

All it really is is a CD with the ghost image and a bootable floppy all in
one. I don't have Enterprise Ed. yet, so I am not yet running multicast.

> When does the error occur? During the creation of the image, or during 
> the replication of the image. Does it happen in a consistent spot?

I have created a bootable CD of a current working machine. I then use the
bootable CD to 'expand' or 'apply' the image to another machine. When
rebooting the second machine, it gives the Lilo error. In order to get it
to work, I boot with a boot floppy and re-run Lilo on the machine.

You know, I wonder if it's a problem with the lilo 'graphical' menu. I
have not tried using the plain ol' LILO: prompt. 


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