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Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 18:54:17 -0400
From: cmasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Difficulties w/ ipmasq]
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----- Forwarded message from cmasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 18:52:37 -0400
From: cmasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debuser
Subject: Difficulties w/ ipmasq
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i


I hope that someone cah help me with this.

A couple of days ago, in a knee jerk response to recent security advisories,
I decided that my system wasn't secure enough and installed 'ipmasq' through
apt-get. After installing (although no configuration was offered), I visited
a number of firewall and firewall-testing sites to determine the baseline
security of my home system.

The tests (and further research) led me to believe that I have little need
of ipmasq or similar programs -- ipchains, etc. as my ip address is a Class
A (static) that is changed dynamically outside my ISP's private net. This
was good news, so I removed (again through apt-get) the ipmasq program.

This difficulty is this:

I also run w98 through vmware. It uses a 'virtual' network card and has been
set up to use Class c -- addresses to allow communication
between the host and virtual machines. Since installing ipmasq, my syslogs
are filled with 'reject' and 'deny' notices to the 192 subnet. I need to
remove and/or reverse actions on that net as I need to be able to
communicate between host and virtual machines.

I've also attempted to search the relevent man pages, but it would appear
that the ipmasq page was removed when i removed the package (big surprise
there). Also I understand that the location of ip rules is slightly
different on a Debian system.

I figure that possible solutions are:

1. Locate and alter the scipts/rules that are controlling denials to
192.x.x.x -- this would be my first choice.

2. Re-install ipmasq and write appropriate rules that will allow me to use
my 'virtual' net.

I've renamed the ipmasq directory to OLD.ipmasq, explicitly stopped
/etc/init.d/ipmasq and even stopped portmap in the hopes that this would do.
No such luck.

Could someone help me out with locating and removing/altering the specific

Much thanks,
C. Masters

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